Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bikes, babes, boose, breins, braun, and more bikes.

Been keeping busy with my new and latest partnership and experiencing new congruences with inner-experiences on how to find common understanding and genuineness with emotions, behaviors, thoughts, patterns and such. I feel meaning more than I have ever, yet there lies the need to disconnect still from society.
Schools been the main demand for now but the family is on the major focus.
Musically I've been working on some projects..for the Electro Preservation Society. I have much learning to do based on my waning wants versus needs to get project started and done.

Phoenix has proven difficult and I yearn for the coast at times. I also consider the fam muchly so finding a common understanding of temperance of all involved seems duanting at best.
Cycling has now become my top priority followed by personal relational interests and exploring new way to understand and communicate that, not only with present interests but with every aspect within my systems.

what is important NOW is the a ability to gain understanding for progress and understanding,and see as much experiance and creative outlets that come too mind.

Forge on~!!!

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