Left Santa Cruz; My lady-love and pup and a cool gig are waiting whenbce I return on this ride for Peace. A readily and haste opinion of trains and travel et al.; a nice way to go about, transport, and be there already, where you want to be.
In Oakland: Met the core of Bike4Peace riders. Uypon firt impression, which will most likley advance is time toward complete
Vernon Huffmon: A dedicated, knowledgable man with a big heart. Scruff and tough with a soft side for things important to the environment. He ran for congress? at one time. Likes to eat out of a feed bag, and use his 'bail- out' gear on certain grades.
Yaney: Coordinated, motivated to gather information on things of importance and can remedy the need for plans if needed and would like to ride bikes as much a permitably possible. Likes Vern allot.
Ron Toppi. The streangth of a seasoned rider and worth his weight in precious materials. KNows the ins' n out's of touring, can start up NPO and be hella cool abhout it.
Cynthia M.: The official first timer interms of touring by bike. Accepting and also very supportive. She is one half of the SAG support. Did I mention that she is also our official congressional representative? Yea...pretty kick ass.
Scott T.; Hails from Boston and the collective; Bikes not Bombs, so you know already that there is some coolness happening already. An interesting sense of humor, can cook, and is has a well rounded sense of all things asked of. He can seem reserved but I bet that he is thinking of somthing funny to say and is patient about his timing.
Annie S.: An organized and more specific about planning that any other rider. Like to get the hard climbs done and over in the early AM's and knows the lay of the route well. She is also a consistant rider. It is fun to make her luagh and show interesting thing about plants too.
Start of the ride from Oakland: We started our ride by taking a train out of dodge to an easier starting spot, mainly becuase we were lagging on time and needed to meet up with some other riders!! @@ *activate cheat code shhhh*
(SAG)= Support and Gear.

MTBA...as time allows.