Sunday, May 8, 2011

Anyone Listen to Bakunin or Chomsky anymore? and thank you ProtestWarrior...

Made a song that is influenced by subtley, grace, organic silk and cotton clinging to fleshy parabolas, moist folicals,  femmes, gentile streangth, freckls, failed open relations, falling out, and the love of COMPLETE DISSCONECTION, porvuosVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.................................................................................................................
FoodBanks - Soaking RainDress Fallen-EPS-002-June2011 by electro.preservation ........................................................................
..........................not hacked
...................................................................Electro Preservation Society on Soundcloud











Been focused on a book found in the Caesar Chavez library FREE BIN. (political satire). No name drops allowed as I am not here to advertise.
What I have been gleaning from this book is information that clarifies my much earlier reasoning's, and that were
from a rather clouded perception no less, on how people of influential titles, subversive archetypes and those who wish to remain in the abyss of anonymity, in the name of anti-authority, yet remain both econimicallof y iffluvient, authoritative in essence, or without a real experiance with class struggle, but only have a lateral insight or reasoning, and never are vulnerable becuase they are always in packs of 2 or more, (the herd mentality), uncovered.
They project themselves as radicals with reasonable explanation of their cognitive motivations near perfection and back it up with indirect or direct violence. Seemingly untouchable simply because where they huddle up, travel extensively by the grace of others and land in a nest made for false sense of direction. a parasitic trait? Maybe. They sit there refusing to work for anyone and drag oppopportunity into darkness backed with emotional frailty ans a high sense of social anxiety.
So basically for example: a question I've held in silent: what makes a radical a radical or what makes an anarchist...
With all philosophical, ideological ,fashionable and Utopian depths of radicalism aside, (I actually want to embrace sides with my fellow human, for truth and freedom not for notoriety or fame) but realizing what the real purpose for anarchist, blacktivists, third world thugs and aiming for ans to be inclusive.

FUK that image of CHE on a shirt shit since the 90s and
weak intellectuals and fuk parasite travelers with vortexual issues. sign up for empathy counseling.

RIDE A BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!