Friday, July 16, 2010

new PleasureBoatRecords release in the pipe line...

Not quite for mastering at the moment. Not even titled, or for that matter, have an idea of what its context really is saying. I guess I would plan on listening to the raw data and see if I can feel what sort of message I am conjuring up here.  So far its a bloody mess and would do well to have some skin on them bones.

Here is a track from PBR artist and all around nice, warm, tall, and approachable ship mate ---RELCAD.
Relcad- You Bring the Juice (from Capitol Island OUT JULY 23RD) by Pleasure Boat Records

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

On the al

Greetings and welcome.
This shall begin by saying that; Serendipitous events can unfold by law of attraction and maybe luck. The chance to break away from corrupted economics and daily habit slavery and see some of the less gentrified cities in America, was allowable. Sometimes I would guess, the world less traveled by car can seem forthcoming with excitement, the unknowing and sometimes even the dangerous.

But practical methods like meeting symbiont's or strangers can be more prevalent as time unfolds while traveling; yes it is true; there is no danger ahead unless you perceive it to be arduous.
 Does there still exist the perceivable impaired art of communication by mouth and mind, thought transference's and body language. Impaired is said as t compare it to new emergent theories of human capacity, like Trans Humanism and Post Humanism, self actualization, immortality, suspended animation and other similar thoughts concieved by humans so that we can be considred to be grouped into newer forms of foraged athanasia.

Dig for your own fantasy!

Granted, I'm not an expert in the articulation of the intricacies of dissemination. Nay. Some may say that I am more reserved and some may say that I an manic at times. That could be an accurate summation to a smaller part of my earthly existence.
The body is but a vessel.
I drink good, healthful tea, play with my dog, listen to good electronic music from respectable artists at times, and relax with my lady.

Naipes FTW!

What else is there but fun in the solar winds and clean breezes; wet nights, early morning wake ups, playing fetch, walking to the dog park at the beach, dream of surfing someday, laxidazing around with nothing to do, biking to Free Skool Santa Cruz, listen to cutting edge electronic music, make post peudo-humanistic electro beats, drink hot tea in an even hotter climate, drink a good beer, stoke the flames, pet my protective dog, meet other traveling souls young and same age, share glances with my girl, caresses and kisses, make jokes, watch liberated movies on a dusty laptop, eat grilled food till we are full, shareing with positive people, drawing comics, thinking up of new ideas for fun and exploration, throw Django's sloppy tennis ball into the Pacific ocean, go to the nude beach, stew in our sweat and dirt for days then go to Well Within for a sauna, cold showers, and super heated hot room, sleep in a tent and feel the most relaxed that I have ever been, dog hairs stuck to every article of my clothing.

Camp In-Tent-City.

Yes I ment to say BLISS. 

And you thought that these are the final days of the world? Feel yourself and live again.